The Technology of Reading

Reading is a culture that has stood the test of time. It has been before the foundation of many nations as well as their history and will still be as long as human existence here on Earth is concerned. Reading is a culture common to all, irrespective of their religious, political or ethnic background.

Reading has been one of the most powerful tools that has sharpened many cultures by sparking up civilization. Many world powers in times past understood the power of reading. World leaders in other spheres of human existence (religion, business, etc, are no exception). For they have,by their readings, realized the inconsistencies and ignorance of the past, recognized the inadequacies of the present and envisaged the possibilities of the  future.

 World powers like Egypt, Babylon, The Medes and Persia, Rome and even America, today, had imbibed the habit/culture of reading to amass a wealth of information in order to command influence and rule their worlds.

But today, as technologies advance, civilizations reform and mentalities change, their is a need for a reformation in reading.
A. Reading as a lifestyle
  Lifestyle is an everyday practice that we observe either for obligatory purposes or for just relaxation.
Reading is one of them. People read on a daily basis in order to relax themselves after the day's activities. Others read for obligatory purposes, either as a part of their profession or as an important step in achieving personal or corporate projects.
There are common areas where reading is applied. They are 

In today's modern world, people take delight in traveling around with books. They find it an interesting way to travel around using their imaginations while reading. It gives them a sense of belonging to places they've not literally been to. They get a kind of insight into areas that they love, had dreamed of or even are actually travelling to.
Some of my recommended books

Health is a very vital part of our wellbeing. Not everything is about money. In fact, wealth without health is vain because health itself is our wealth.
Everyone loves to read books on health:dietary, weight loss, fitness and exercise, body and sexuality, etc. It really helps us as individuals. Tell you what? The Best form of self-medication is to do a personal read-up on our health.
Some of my recommended books

Do you feel you need to know about relationship with people around you-your spouse, kids, fiancée, extended family, boss and colleagues, neighbors, etc? Then reading of relationship books can really help a lot Many, I included, has really learned a great deal about interpersonal relationship just by reading, without even carrying out, yet,the action.
Some of my recommended books.

The world changes, so does the politics of every nation;and so do the ideas and opinions of people. Reading about politics gives you an insight into the world around you and their governments. It gives you an idea on what people's perspective on politic is, and the way forward.
Some of my recommended books.

Money answers all things”say the Holy Scriptures. Money isn't everything yet it has affiliation with everything. What you get is, one way or the other, connected to money. Do you need joy? Then, you need money to get you those resources (books, people/counselors, material things, etc)to get it. And guess what?even the very gadget you are using to reading this article was bought with money, whether directly from the store or as a gift to you. Your relationship needs money. Your health needs money. Your education, family,house even relationship need finances to help bolster them.
So, people read so much on finance to enlighten and consequently empower themselves for a more fulfilled life.
Some of my recommended books.

B. The Technology of Reading

1) Concept of reading
The matter of creative and profitable reading is a matter of the mind- the subconscious part of the mind.
How well you maneuver/tame your mind while reading will determine how deep what you read sticks to you.
Reading leads to learning. Learning is gaining. It is the process of extracting new theoretical or practical information. The moment you've extracted these new information, you have learned. Some information leaves a mark on the mind of the reader. This is called impression. The deeper the impression made, the stronger the retention gained. The best accomplished learnings are those in which, at the end, you are able to see things from a new/better perspective than which you've always had. This is called Enlightenment.

2) How do you develop an executing power after reading?
When you read,you create a mental picture of what you love, desire or intend to achieve. And at that moment, you begin to seek for ways to achieve them. Well, there are ways to go about it.

i) Thinks
Think of what you've read as a bait to get you what you desire. Baits are always eye-catchers and mind fixers. They tend to keep your eyes in a particular direction. They tend to keep your eyes and mind focused on them. In essence make what you desire to achieve your bait.

ii) Create
Create a well detailed mapped-out plan to getting those baits(those things you love to get/achieve in your already read text)

iii) Constantly observe
Look and look again. Study and study again your mapped-out plan.
Experience reveals that the more you constantly look at something on a daily basis, the more you tend to see something new about it, the more you create an impression of that thing in your mind. What you keep in your mind will eventually become a subconscious part of you. And one day you will unwittingly/involuntarily say it out or act it out-so keep looking at them

iv) Break up
Breakdown the whole mapped-out plan into fragments. And attach time frames to each of the fragment-from the time you intend to get things started(which is where you are at that moment) to the time you intend to get things done.
Do you know what the implication of this is? You subconsciously fit yourself into this time frame, and you begin to see the road ahead mapped-clearly before you.

v) Have you ever got things done before- Things you never intended? Have you wondered why the world grows and develops with such a high growth rate? Have you ever wondered how a mother could get her 5 year old boy to do things he never would have agreed to do?
The secret is association. The moment you thought about someone else-his life, dreams,pursuit, progress-and you associated(compare/juxtaposed) it with yours, you saw how backward you were. That got you stimulated even to the point you become so engrossed with the whole phenomenon. And what followed? You sprung unwittingly/compulsively into action. That was how you got things done.
The world grows and develops drastically through this kind of association where every organization/company compared itself with its rival and saw how backward they were or the need to keep ahead. They got stimulated to creating new innovations. The phenomenon went recurrently till the world became what it is today.
That child got that thing done because his mother told him about the neighbors next door and about their 5year old kid and how good and perfect he got things done for his parents. This sparked up a strong agitation in him and led to his consequent actions of getting things done for his own mother.

On personal level,you kept growing in purpose because of association.There were times when you looked at your  present life and compared it to your  ideal/desired future life.This prompted you to make moves for the better.
 So the last step/technique is to create an association: take something you love,admire or desire to achieve(your bait)and always compare your pursuit of it to that of the person you admire and had done it excellently well in times past-your role model.It gives you a mirror of how  backward  you are and  this,in turn, creates a strong desire or drive to want to pursue.
Association creates agitation; agitation compels you to move higher- this is called ascension.

Finally, reading  is a very beautiful and  well cherised  culture.It is a way to connect  to the thoughts of distant minds
 So,do you love reading?do you have a prospect in the area of reading?do you love audiobooks?

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